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THANK YOU'S from MEMO and the Discover Medfield Day Committee

A great big round of THANK YOU’s TO ALL for helping make MEMO’s 44th Discover Medfield Day the success it was !!!!


THANK YOU TO ALL OUR EXHIBITORS.  Most of you were veterans of one or many Discover Medfield Days.  And glad to see so many “rookies” joining us.  This year we sold-out our booths in July, the earliest ever.  We had a wait-list from which several were able to attend.  This is attributed to the fact that Discover Medfield Day has established itself as the PREMIER event of its kind in the area.  So, to all next year … watch in the local newspapers, on the MEMO website, and MEMO’s Facebook page for the timetable for registering, and anticipate that we will again sell-out well before summer ends.


THANK YOU TO OUR LEAD SPONSORS.  Needham Bank as our Platinum Sponsor.  GEICO Local Office as our Gold Sponsor.  Rockland Trust, Middlesex Savings Bank, Montrose School, Clean Way Waste Services, and APC Pest & Termite Control as our Bronze Sponsors.  These businesses have been very generous to our event over the years.  They’re also generous supporters of other organizations and events in Medfield. So, please support their businesses when you have the opportunity.


THANK YOU TO OUR LAND PARTNERS.  Montrose School for the use of their parking lots for our Kids’ Alley rides and event parking, First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church for the use of their land, Brook Run Development for the use of their parking lot, and the Town of Medfield for the use of their land and streets.


THANK YOU TO OUR KIDS’ ALLEY SPONSORS. Medfield Afterschool Program for donating the pizza for our student and adult volunteers, and GuysTough.Com for donating the water for our student and adult volunteers. Also our ride sponsors: Lovell’s Florist & Nursery, Michael McQuillan & Abby McQuillan Bird (Coldwell Banker Realty), MulhallWithrow, PPLC, and Kathy Murray (Coldwell Banker Realty). Again, these businesses have been involved with Discover Medfield Day over the years and support the local community. Please think of them when you need services.

THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HS STUDENT VOLUNTEERS.  For many years the Medfield High School Student Council has recruited HS students to help MEMO collect tickets and monitor the Kids’ Alley rides.  Special thanks to Council President, Hannah Keene, and VP Ally Bonoldi, who were primarily instrumental in recruiting and managing the students.


THANK YOU TO ALL OUR ADULT VOLUNTEERS.  It takes many hands to make it all happen … from planning and registration, to set-up, selling tickets and overseeing Kids’ Alley, to staffing the MEMO booth, to take-down … too numerous to mention, yet thank you all.  But in particular, thanks to:  John Messina for taking on responsibility for all our electrical needs, David Derian and Tom Erb for overseeing the booths set-up, and Mark Fisher for managing Kid’s Alley.


THANK YOU TO THE TOWN OF MEDFIELD HIGHWAY, FIRE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS.  Bobby Kennedy & Co. help with some of the behind the scenes tasks: set-up of the entertainment stage (which the School Department lends), and road closing signage.  Then at the end of the day, they sweep the streets, help with general grounds clean-up, and return the stage to the school.  The ambulance is on-site for emergencies and first-aid.  The police department has a presence during the day for traffic and crowd control and safety.  Plus the welcome addition of the fire truck and ambulance for the kids to experience.


THANK YOU TO ALL DONORS TO MEMO’S RAFFLE & AUCTION.  These proceeds fund MEMO’s HS scholarships.


THANK YOU TO ALL OUR EVENT ATTENDEES.  We know Mother Nature has a major effect on attendance, but rain or shine, the Town of Medfield always comes out to support and enjoy the event.  MEMO bills this as “Medfield’s largest feel-good event of the year”, and this year was no exception.




Russ Hallisey, Chair, Discover Medfield Day 2024

William Raveis – Delta Realtors

& Hallisey Law Office

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